Not every KiwiSaver scheme is the same. It’s worth finding one that’s tailored to your individual situation – now and whenever it changes. We’re not aligned to any particular provider. Instead, we’ve personally checked and approved a range of schemes. We’ll choose one that’s just right for you.
We’ve been helping people bring their overseas pensions to New Zealand for a long time. We know how to make it easy for you. We have good relationships with the right partners. We’ll connect you with approved schemes, so the transfer is simple. Call us and get your overseas pension sorted out now.
Your situation is unique, so your retirement plan should be too. We’ll help you set up your future and make your savings last. We only recommend providers that we’ve carefully scrutinized and know well. It means you can relax and enjoy life more.
Are you investing to build your savings? Let’s find strong investment options that help you get where you want to go. We’ll make sure you can add or withdraw funds without penalty. We’ll check that the fees are reasonable. We’ll also ensure you can see exactly what’s going on with your money. We only recommend funds we know and trust.