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April 25, 2021
Imak leads the industry in positive change

We're pleased to be leading the industry in positive change A few weeks ago Imak obtained one of the first full Financial Advice Provider Licences...

April 23, 2021
Grant Macdonald, Founding Director, retires; Our best!

At the end of March, the Imak team had a send-off for one of our founders, Grant Macdonald, and we here at Imak Advice sincerely...

April 09, 2021
Public Healthcare Entitlements: What you need to know

“I think all Kiwi’s should be entitled to….” Darryl Scott, General Manager of Imak, explains why we should be paying attention. This was the beginning...

February 25, 2021
Financial Advice for Women: Is it any different?

Study after study has shown that women are less aggressive than men when it comes to investing. There are just as many theories about why....

February 20, 2021
It's time: Note from Grant Macdonald

After many years of having the privilege of assisting you, it is time for me to retire. I will be retiring on 31st March 2021....

January 15, 2021
Thinking forward

It is possible that 2021 will bring some challenges that will need creative solutions. – By Darryl Scott, GM of Imak. Fortunately, when the human...

November 28, 2020
Can you stop?

Is it time to stop, put the tools down and spend time with the ones we love and care about? – By Darryl Scott, GM...

November 19, 2020
Need an energy boost? Our Imak tips might help.

We've collected some energy-boosting tips to help you bound into summer. You'll see we think lightening the mood is a good start.  1. Watch cute...

November 13, 2020
Finding the right adviser can be a big ask

Choosing your financial adviser is an important decision. You need to find an expert who listens, understands your situation, and earns your trust. It’s quite...

October 14, 2020
Resilience building - our reflections

We've faced a lot of changes lately, and some of them have been pretty tough. Resilience has become one of the most important qualities we...

October 08, 2020
Premium increases... why?

Do you get the feeling that every time you get a letter from an Insurer, it's to tell you about more premium increases?  That letter...

September 01, 2020
Are you right about your greatest asset?

Often when someone is asked about their greatest asset, their first response is "well, I guess that's my home." However, we all know if we...

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