Hearing about Money Week got my attention. Could it be about someone giving out free money?
How is it different to any other week? It’s not as though most of us are not thinking about how to earn and stretch our money every week!
So, what the heck is Money Week?
According to my “Google” research, it seems Money Week is driven by an unnamed but helpful source. The aim is for us all to understand the purpose of money and demystify some key topics about money.
This unnamed source would like us to find somewhere we feel safe about getting more information on money. We should have trusted a ‘go-to’ for useful and non-judgemental help with a range of money topics including KiwiSaver, money planning, budgeting, saving, investing, loans and retirement planning.
This site is quite helpful: https://sorted.org.nz/
And, if you’d like information that’s relevant to your specific information, Imak can help.
Call us if you’re curious about:
— KiwiSaver
— Retirement Planning
— Investing and Saving
— Insurance and whether you need some.
Get in touch today.
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