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Sh*t that was traumatic! What is this ‘trauma cover’?

Unfortunately, people are missing out on a great type of insurance because of its dumb name: Trauma Cover! Imak General Manager, Darryl Scott explains…

Don’t be baffled by the name, ‘Trauma Cover’

The name is so confusing that some people have been known to ask if they’re covered for family bereavements or relationship breakups because those events were so traumatic. Unfortunately, it doesn’t cover that, but it does cover a lot of other important things.

I don’t want you to miss out because of a confusing name. Often, I’ve explained what Trauma Cover is about and signed someone up, only to find they’ve forgotten about all its benefits.

Sometimes, I’ve only found out by chance that something has happened that someone’s Trauma Cover could help with. In those cases, it’s been rewarding for everyone when I’ve organised a claim payment.

It’s like life insurance – while you’re alive!

Put simply; Trauma Cover pays out a sum of money if you are diagnosed or suffer from one of the large numbers of listed serious health conditions. These conditions include cancer, heart attack, stroke and many more.

You could use a Trauma Cover payment as a ‘recovery fund’. It can give you the money to pursue treatment options for a serious illness or cover any additional costs of getting back on your feet. People also use it to reduce debt after a serious illness. I like to think of Trauma Cover as being like a lump sum life cover; only you are alive!

You can protect your whole family

Some insurers will allow a small amount of free coverage on your children. Naturally, none of us wants to even think about the possibility of a child of ours getting really sick. Unfortunately, it can happen, even though everyone in Starship wishes it just wasn’t the case.

Why would you consider covering your child? Let me tell you! If your child became seriously ill, there’s little doubt you’d want to spend as much time as possible with them and at their bedside. This generally impacts the family’s income.

Just as importantly, if your child could benefit from non-PHARMAC medication, then Trauma Cover may be able to help with some funding to pay for those medications.

If you’d like to hear more about Trauma Cover and what it is, or if you’d like to know if you can add a child to your policy, call us. We’re here to help – especially to save you any unnecessary agony over insurance!

Business man shocked by complexity