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How do we approach things now? By setting ourselves up to thrive.

Lots of us have had what was our normal routine destroyed by lockdowns. For many, this has created anxiety, uncertainty, and the wrong type of stress. But, we deserve to set ourselves to be resilient and thrive. So, going forward, how do we approach this?  Darryl Scott, GM of Imak has a few ideas on how our approach can make a big difference – mentally and practically.

Impatience, frustration, and defiance seem to be present in many conversations I have experienced in the past few weeks. I’ve been surprised at those I’ve spoken to – especially in Auckland – who have almost thrown their arms in the air, collapsed onto the couch and done pretty much nothing to improve their circumstances.

Man collapsed on couch

I appreciate that everyone is different, and so are their situations. Usual worries have been amplified by the times we are going through. But, there’s a lot we can control.

I’ve spoken to people who have used the recent lockdown as an opportunity to build new routines. Some have included more exercise, meditation, reading and other healthy habits. They’ve told me they’ll continue once we are out of lockdowns. And, they’re looking ahead with optimism.

We can set ourselves up to thrive

After listening to all the conversations, I’ve drawn a few of the ideas together.

Let’s get make the most out of what we’ve got: you deserve it!

1.   We need to support local businesses again; many have suffered financially over the lockdown period. If any of them have supported your children’s sports clubs or your fundraisers, now is the time to return the favour.

2.   Try and keep the healthy habits you have stitched into your new routine.

3.   Pause before responding to someone when you know you’re feeling snappy; in conversation or email.

4.  Stay open-minded. I am amazed at how many people say in conversation, “I know”. Often, they don’t, but they just shut the conversation down! Try avoiding that; realise it’s okay not to know. Watch how much better the conversation flows.

5.   Take a drive somewhere by yourself frequently. A quiet beach is good; take a walk and some breaths. Clear your head.

Keep your new routines

I think we all could take a breath and just do a little body scan. Say, ‘do I need to take a long walk on the beach and just start getting myself together?’ (If you choose a long walk, I suggest you avoid Mission Bay and Auckland Domain until the crazy crowds disperse!)

An insurance check is a practical step

Wellness aside, you can do some very practical things too. In line with new routines, we strongly recommend all clients have their insurance and investments reviewed at least once a year, just to be sure the covers you have fit with your current lifestyle.

At Imak, we’ve found more clients have grown comfortable with online meetings for reviews, questions or even applying to increase their covers.

In fact, over two weeks in October, we sent out around 100 invites for an online review; over 40 clients responded. Those meetings took, on average, 40 minutes.

Please call or email me, or your Financial Adviser, if you would like us to set up an online meeting or (when we can), a face-to-face catch-up.
I look forward to hearing from you,

Darryl Scott

General Manager
Imak Advice Ltd