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Here comes the break and peace of mind we all deserve!

Rangitoto Island

Wow. Hasn’t this been another choppy year of trading and fluctuating household incomes? Navigating through the last few months has been a stressful time for all of us. So, as we look ahead to sunnier days, here’s a reflection from me, and I’ve also included some ideas of how our team can bring some extra light to your well-earned holiday season.

Last year we had new uses for words like ‘bubbles’ and ‘clusters’. This year it’s ‘traffic lights’ and ‘passports’.

There seems to be a lot of political focus and conversation. I enjoyed a quote I heard recently from David Seymour; he mentioned National were closing on Labour like a chain of Deka stores in the ’90s. Not sure that’s the case now.

Masks are now a part of our everyday attire, and we really didn’t embrace the elbow handshake. What was that, and who thought that would catch on?

Avoiding spirited conversation and attempting not to be judgmental became a new sport for some of us.

Heading to the supermarket became an outing. As we were trying to whistle through quickly, some supermarkets threw promotions that slowed that trip down. The result? Grumpy adults are standing around demanding their plastic toys from overworked staff.

Avoiding or limiting online meetings where possible also become a strategy for some of us.

What’s between us and that break?

Are we through all the nonsense yet? Well, I don’t know, and I suspect not. But I get the sense that most folk want to get on with it and move safely, while acknowledging this Covid thing will be around for a while longer.

However, the calendar however that’s suggests it is almost Christmas. And that can bring a different kind of stress. Fortunately, we can do something to help you there, by ensuring your insurance and investment portfolio is up-to-date.

This family is packing up for a summer escape

Let’s get the ‘peace’ part sorted

Over the past two months, our staff have helped over 50 clients with an online review of either their investment or insurance portfolios. There is still time for you to have a review before we shut down for Christmas. People tell us it’s good to head into summer knowing everything is in order.

If you’d like to set up a review with one of our Financial Advisers before the break, you can call or email me directly.  So far, the reviews have averaged around 40 minutes and can be the start to your holiday season feeling of ‘peace’.

My details are:
–    darryl@imak.co.nz
–    09 307 9300
–    021 536 402.

Most importantly, we hope you can stop and have time to relax and spend with those you love.

Here are our hours over the break

We will be physically closing the offices at Parnell from noon on Wednesday 22 December 2021 and opening the offices again on Monday 17 January 2022.
If you need any help or answers about Insurance or Investments over the break, you can contact:
–    Stewart Imrie 021 765 765
–    Darryl Scott on 021 536 402.