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AIA Vitality: Worth considering? Absolutely!

Recently, one of our suppliers, AIA New Zealand, called to remind us about their programme for AIA clients, Vitality

I must confess, I was introduced to Vitality when I visited the AIA offices in Hong Kong. The Vitality programme began in South Africa and has now spread to the countries where AIA operates.

Admittedly, when I first heard about it, my eyes glazed over. I thought, “Well, here’s another gimmick from an insurance company. Aren’t they just better to stick to giving away free pens?

Well, a year later and yeah… I can see the point and the power of this.

I’ve had to get past terms such as ‘wellness’. I still feel a bit cynical about smiley-faced sportspeople endorsing everything from men’s undies to breakfast cereal.

But, I stopped to really listen. And, low and behold, I’ve signed up. I even got one of those Fitbit’ ankle bracelets’!

The benefits just make sense

“Why?” (If you are still reading) I hear you say.

Well, first off, it just makes sense to join AIA Vitality for the premium discount.  

I’m also earning weekly rewards as my little device feeds activity information to the AIA app. And these are real rewards like vouchers from Hoyts, New World and Harvey Norman. I’m getting Airpoints on my premium or through my activity as well.

Now, I am actually doing more activity to earn more rewards. So yeah, there’s the rub; I am making small healthy changes.

The programme has plenty more benefits, but these alone are enough to have converted me.

AIA Vitality: Keen?

So, is it worth considering…? Yes! Yes, it is!

If you’d like to know more or would like to join, give me or one of our team a call: Darryl at Imak Advice, 09 307 9300.  In the meantime, you can read the brochure here